
Data is in every industry, but how you work with your data affects to what degree it can benefit your company. Connecting data from different data sources can be a challenge. Which customer data is leading? How can we improve the performance of our reports? Based on what information was this decision made?

Data Warehousing

A Data Warehouse stores current and historical data in one central point. Operational data is uploaded and distributed throughout the different data warehouse layers. Each layer has its own key function. Different tools can be used to create a data warehouse, and it can be created on site or in the cloud.


dbt core
Microsoft SSIS
Informatica PowerCenter
Oracle Data Integrator
Oracle Warehouse Builder

Data Migrations

Applications come and go, but what do we do with the data? Merge new customer data after acquiring a company? For different purposes data must be retained and cleaned.


Oracle PL/SQL
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Data Virtualisation

Extracting large quantities of data is not always the best solution. It can be that guiding the data is a better solution. Retrieving data real time and on time is the challenge these days. Data Virtualisation optimizes queries and retrieves only what is necessary when it’s necessary.


Denodo Data Virtualization

Data Warehouse Testing

Either you are working with Data Vault 2.0 or Kimball, every system has their own guidelines. These guidelines can be checked manually case-by-case during a peer review with a team of developers. But taking time to automate the tests can save time and increase the quality of the code in the long run.


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio